Thursday, May 26, 2011


Cultural eating food origin baseball together, community or mezzo-structures of a familial form of social interaction, social solidarity, the feeling of being a unit in feeling bad destiny, tolerant or "tepa selira" with the moral values ​​of respect for fellow human being, responsibility, honesty, harmony, and solidarity. It is realized or not realized lately has been away from national and state life of Indonesian society. Togetherness is wonderful that began eroded by individualist cultures. Worldview that exalts personal freedom that encourages people to put the interests and personal freedom without thinking about the rights of others. This attitude was often plunged the people into the clash with others in social life. Flatterer freedom seemed to live outside the social entity and as if they do not coexist with each other. The existence of a culture of togetherness now more apparent values ​​and the artificial, Away from the point of real and just a symbol of the surface. Fading supreme values ​​of society have made Indonesia a 'rough' and without feeling, and became stronger when the law no longer has the authority to regulate Kita. If you continue just as it is, do we still deserve to be called as a nation?
Nation is primarily a form of collective solidarity, which further highlight the elements together and does not highlight the problem of inequality or exploitation. in the context of the definition of social group, Ferdinand Tonnies argued that social groups is a form of collective life, where its members are bound by ties of pure mind and character of natural and eternal. These limits are referred to as community or "gemeinschaft Tonnies".
"Tonnies peguyuban" mentioned some characteristics, namely: (1) intimate, affectionate relationship overall between individuals within the community. (2) Private, personal relationships among community members, because of consanguinity. And the third is exclusive,  a closed relationship between all members of the community as a community. Therefore in "gemeinschaft" or community have a common will of (the will together), and also there is an understanding (mutual understanding), as well as with its own rules arising from the group. The goal is to create a balance (the harmony) among members of the group. The principle of fraternity is maintained by state institutions which have the ability to reach out to all members of a nation. Another function of a nation create and enforce the rules of the game, whether in economic life, and politics, and society as agreed by its members. Nation formed by the elements of culture, history and heritage of another tradition that never existed before. It said as a collective solidarity because it has its own cultural symbols such as the language used in a particular territory, which actually reflect a unity. Therefore, the concept of brotherhood and highlight the nation or togetherness. Which of these together would form a political community, nation and state are constantly undergoing a process of continuous reconstruction of the history of its development.

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