Thursday, May 26, 2011


Cultural literally comes from the Latin that is Colere work the land that has meaning, process, maintain the fields (Soerjanto Poespowardojo 1993).

According to The American Heritage Dictionary defines culture as a whole from the behavior pattern that is sent through a social life, religion, institutional, and all the work and the human mind of a human group.

According Koentjaraningrat's opinion culture is the whole system of ideas and actions of human work in the framework of a society that human beings have become a way of learning.

Work culture is a philosophy with the underlying philosophy of life as the values ​​that the nature, driving habits and also cultivated in a group and reflected in the attitude to behavior, ideals, opinions, views and actions manifested as work. (Gering Supriyadi and Tri Guno)

Work culture aims to change attitudes and behaviors of existing human resources in order to increase productivity to cope with various challenges in the future.

The benefits of implementing good Work Culture:
1. enhance mutual help spirit
2. enhance togetherness
3. mutually open to each other
4. improve family life
5. increase the sense of kinship
6. establish better communication
7. increase labor productivity
8. responsive to developments outside world, etc..

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