Thursday, May 19, 2011


every human being must have the memories in his life. these memories can be good memories or bad memories as well.
Every memory has a special meaning for the owner. maybe we can laugh or even cry when re-considering a memory.
memories of the past comes from vision, hearing, and we smell something. of the three things on the side, the most powerful in our memories is interesting sense of smell.
let's say, we will more easily remember the smell of perfume better than remember the color of one's clothes.
scientists are very inspired by a time machine. therefore, they create a unique perfume with the scent, so that everyone who kiss will always remember the smell of it.
we too can create a time machine in ourselves. but we can not change the father is already happening. we can only feel what's in the past.
your way is to buy perfume distinctive and easy ti be found
with the perfume, we can capture every moment ti be found the past with our brain.

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