Thursday, May 26, 2011


Lie is a false statement made ​​by someone with the objective listener to believe. Fiction though wrong, but not a lie. People who speak lies and especially those who have the habit of lying called a liar.

The line between lies and truth is very thin. An example: if one of my neighbors said that he is a descendant of the Russian Tsar, Nikolai II, then to say he lied. Lies can be proven with a study of DNA, and besides that we all know that Tsar Nicholas II and his family had been massacred by the communists. But if he said that he was still Russian descent, just maybe he was right. Who knew it was true ancestors were from Russia.

At a lie there is also the element of intent. If someone says that he is a professor but it's not, then he deliberately did it to show off. This is a lie. However, if a member of the CIA said that Osama bin Laden according to the data was in Pakistan, but it is not, then this name is a mistake and not a lie. Unless he did it deliberately as a tactic, then the name is a disinformation tactic.

adapted from wikipedia

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