Thursday, May 26, 2011


How important is tidiness for your life? Of course the answers obtained from these kinds of questions are extremely diverse. Some people really enjoy the "chaos" - messy rooms, reams of paper here and there, without rules! However, do not be hurried judge that this kind of mess. Do not judge the book by its cover! The saying goes. Life seems a mess of this sort does not necessarily make the people who live it also messy, and the performance is unorganized and unreliable! Although chaotic in here and there, the people with this kind of style is able to quickly find something that is needed in quick time. As if, in the "chaos" that he found a pattern of "order", because in his mind, must have no categorization that enables it to make a clear mapping for themselves. Other people can be very difficult to read this kind of mapping, because it can not be seen with the naked eye.
Other extreme was no less-less. There are demanded absolute exactitude. Neatness, and arrangement of space which is regular standard norms that should not be violated at all. Inevitably, it  conducted should follow a clear procedure, each time after eating, all without exception, are required to immediately wash their own plate. That's standard procedure - the standardized operating procedure! Failure to follow standard procedures will lead to endless nagging. Is this wrong? No, nothing is wrong than how to live life like this. Living with all order and neatness does carry a nice rhythm for those who are concerned, because there is no certainty.
The problem, then what can really be considered wrong? The answer is very relative. I have come across various kinds of people with different characteristics. I never go into a boudoir of a college senior who is very neat, on his desk there are only two pens, and a small notebook. But I also never faced on a boss who is above his desk were piles of paper, so as if he was drowning in her work. Which one is better? I can not judge. To me, that experience led me to reflect. Which one is right for me? What suits me? Apparently, the more I ask, the more I found a simple answer: get to know yourself, where things are most helpful, where things are most disturbing.
The journey of reflection led me to know more in who I am. I eventually found that I was the person who can not really follow the standard pattern with a high level of neatness. I feel there are spaces of freedom when should follow standard procedures. Although I basically have no objection at all to do the dishes after dinner, I do not always enjoy this kind of order and neatness. I know that I sometimes put off the things that require this kind of neatness. Sometimes when you wake up, I immediately moved to grab a pen and paper because they do not want to lose the idea. I let no folded blankets. Giving the impression that I'm lazy. I know that. I'm more concerned about pouring the idea before missing swallowed up by new ideas.
However, at other times, especially when many tasks that must be addressed and taken care of this kind, I would be very helpful when my desk clean. Not many books in there, so there is a loose space on the table. When my eyes see a loose chamber, the psychological burden due to the pursuit of a variety of tasks slightly raised. Loose the empty space on the table, to make myself able to draw breath in relief, and in my heart, formed a kind of belief: there is enough time to do these kinds of tasks. Do not worry, stay consistent, make sure you check what you should do, lest any runoff! It was my conscience that seems to appear after seeing the empty space above a loose table.
There was never a single right way to achieve a success. Success is always a combination of a variety of things: high morale or fighting spirit, determination, skill, self-management, and skill to manage your diet.
This is a reflection of the tightness of mounting tasks! Hopefully useful.

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