Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sarah Palin near top of new 2012 poll, behind Mitt Romney, as Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump bow out

Sarah Palin is climbing to the top of the reshaped Republican presidential field now that several top-tier candidates are officially out.
The ex-Alaska governor came in second among Republicans and GOP-leaning independents - and just 2 points behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney - a Gallup Poll released Thursday revealed.
According to the poll, 17% of respondents said they'd back Romney, while 15% said they supported Palin.
Behind the duo were Texas Rep. Ron Paul (10%), former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (9%) and former Godfather Pizza CEO Herman Cain (8%).
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who announced his campaign in Iowa on Monday, received 6%, just ahead of fellow Minnesotan, Rep. Michele Bachmann's 5%.
Of those polled, 22% said they had no opinion.
The survey was taken after former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, billionaire businessman Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels announced they would not seek the nomination.
Palin, who has not announced a decision as to whether she will run, has been fueling speculation all week that she could be leaning toward "yes."
The former vice-presidential candidate has bought a $1.6 million home in Arizona, scheduled a number of public appearances and recently told Fox News that she has "the fire in my belly" to seek the Oval Office.
Skeptics say Palin, not willing to give up her lucrative gig with Fox News, won't make the bid.
The poll shows a significant boost for both Romney and Palin since last month.
In April, Huckabee and Trump tied for first place with 16%, Romney came in second with 13% and Palin garnered 10%.

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