Saturday, May 21, 2011


Success is achieved by a simple pattern. Anyone who can run this pattern, then success be inevitable. Who is fast running pattern, success was achieved quickly. Initial conditions, it is influential, but not more decisive than the running pattern. The poor and the rich more quickly where success? When only counting the initial conditions, then the rich man answers. But is not the determining initial conditions, but the process of running the pattern. The poor are much faster to run a successful pattern of the rich, will achieve success more quickly as well.

Self Confidence

Everything starts from here. It's your self-image. Self image. It deals with how you believe in yourself? Are you human beings are born to succeed or to fail? You are a good person or bad person? You are handsome / beautiful or ugly? You deserve decent rich or poor? You feel as lower class, middle class or upper class? When dealing with others, you feel yourself above, equal or above? Also associated with you feel yourself a good follower or a leader great? Feel they have all the talent and potential that is needed or not?

Well, success starts from positive self-belief. Are you sure you were born to succeed. You are a good person. You are handsome / beautiful. You deserve to be rich and upper class people. Believe in yourself dealing with others. No inferiority complex. Not too overbearing. You deserve a great leader. You also believe once you are blessed with enough talent and potential to achieve success you want.

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