Saturday, May 28, 2011

Brooklyn jury convicts Imam Kareem Ibrahim in Kennedy Airport plot

A Brooklyn jury on Thursday convicted a Trinidadian national of conspiring to blow up the fuel lines and fuel tanks at Kennedy Airport in a fiery attack that would rival 9/11.
Kareem Ibrahim, the fourth would-be terrorist convicted in the plot, gave his daughter a double thumbs-up sign after the jury returned the verdict in Brooklyn Federal Court.
Ibrahim, 65, an imam and leader of the Shiite Muslim community in Trinidad, faces life in prison when he's sentenced in October.
The plot was hatched in Guyana by former Kennedy Airport cargo handler Russell Defreitas, who assembled a group of evildoers to launch the attack to avenge what they perceived was the oppression of Muslims by the U.S.
"It was a plan to bomb, to kill, to destroy, a plan that would rival the horrors of Sept. 11," Assistant U.S. Attorney Zainab Ahmad said in her closing argument.
Defreitas and co-defendant Abdul Kadir were convicted last year and are serving life sentences. A fourth plotter, Abdel Nur pleaded guilty to supporting the plot and was sentenced to 15 years.

Sarah Palin near top of new 2012 poll, behind Mitt Romney, as Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump bow out

Sarah Palin is climbing to the top of the reshaped Republican presidential field now that several top-tier candidates are officially out.
The ex-Alaska governor came in second among Republicans and GOP-leaning independents - and just 2 points behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney - a Gallup Poll released Thursday revealed.
According to the poll, 17% of respondents said they'd back Romney, while 15% said they supported Palin.
Behind the duo were Texas Rep. Ron Paul (10%), former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (9%) and former Godfather Pizza CEO Herman Cain (8%).
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who announced his campaign in Iowa on Monday, received 6%, just ahead of fellow Minnesotan, Rep. Michele Bachmann's 5%.
Of those polled, 22% said they had no opinion.
The survey was taken after former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, billionaire businessman Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels announced they would not seek the nomination.
Palin, who has not announced a decision as to whether she will run, has been fueling speculation all week that she could be leaning toward "yes."
The former vice-presidential candidate has bought a $1.6 million home in Arizona, scheduled a number of public appearances and recently told Fox News that she has "the fire in my belly" to seek the Oval Office.
Skeptics say Palin, not willing to give up her lucrative gig with Fox News, won't make the bid.
The poll shows a significant boost for both Romney and Palin since last month.
In April, Huckabee and Trump tied for first place with 16%, Romney came in second with 13% and Palin garnered 10%.

Friday, May 27, 2011


You'll want to make good preparation for one semester to the next. Much like the participants themselves who are required to prepare all purposes, such as textbooks, exercise books or uniforms. In addition, there are some important things you need to consider, 
First, determine your target on what this semester. Then create a daily schedule that it steps towards the target. In order to target its learning goals more quickly, here are some tips on how to effective learning, which has been proven by several advanced countries. These tips can you run yourself, or transmitted to your students.1. A friend from America to advise that he can learn from his father. The first day of school, re-re-lessons learned. After that brief read the next two pages for search skeleton material only. Once the teacher explained the lesson the next day, you already have a picture or basically, just to add just what you do not know. So it came home from school, staying just repeat to seek conclusion or summary.2. Always full concentration time listening to lectures delivered teacher or totor. Content you hear will easily be called again once you memorize the repeated lessons.3. Some friends also recommended to re-type notes into the computer lessons. Logically, with a note to retype means tantamount to re-read the lesson you just got from school. The material was repeated in the brain's memory can be stored for long periods of time. Even better if re-read or study the notes after typing.4. Another way is to re-read the lesson notes and then make a conclusion with the sentence itself. In order to etched long in the memory, write the conclusion earlier in a small piece of paper the size of a business card. The cards are effective to repeat and read brief spare time.5. Another friend suggested to always use a different record books on every subject. This method is considered better organized so that at times want to repeat a lesson we no longer need to open all the books.6. Repeating the lessons do not always have to read or write. Teach another friend about a new material that could be repeated would make you always remember the material. Good again, you become more aware of the material.7. Learning suddenly before the test was not effective. At least a month before the test is an ideal time for repeat lessons. The material does not matter much. How: always make a summary or conclusions at each lesson, if you need to use tables or illustrations so easy to remember.8. There are some friends in Australia who likes learning time during the day. Understandably, the body is still fresh after getting enough sleep at night, so the spirit is still high. Good condition did not they just waste it. Full concentration on their morning classes and afternoon concentration to repeat again. At night they used to do only light activities or homework. So it's never staying.9. If the body tired, will make concentration difficult. Some friends suggested to first holiday of a sporting event or other physical activity a day ahead of general tests.10. Learn while listening to music is fun. Select a quiet but evocative music. Kinds of classical music Beethoven Mozart ato can be tried. This type of music really suited for accompany you during a task that the answer is certain, as mathematics, natural sciences or foreign languages. Guaranteed learning stamina you will always contain and energetic.It confused yes if everyone gave each other know what to do. Most important is to prioritize your priorities. Because we usually judge themselves from what is perceived, while others only see from what we produce. Meanwhile, what can we produce our own only knows. So, make a target that you believe could reach it not what other people think. So also with how to learn effectively, choose either way which one best fits your situation. 

adapted from

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Cultural eating food origin baseball together, community or mezzo-structures of a familial form of social interaction, social solidarity, the feeling of being a unit in feeling bad destiny, tolerant or "tepa selira" with the moral values ​​of respect for fellow human being, responsibility, honesty, harmony, and solidarity. It is realized or not realized lately has been away from national and state life of Indonesian society. Togetherness is wonderful that began eroded by individualist cultures. Worldview that exalts personal freedom that encourages people to put the interests and personal freedom without thinking about the rights of others. This attitude was often plunged the people into the clash with others in social life. Flatterer freedom seemed to live outside the social entity and as if they do not coexist with each other. The existence of a culture of togetherness now more apparent values ​​and the artificial, Away from the point of real and just a symbol of the surface. Fading supreme values ​​of society have made Indonesia a 'rough' and without feeling, and became stronger when the law no longer has the authority to regulate Kita. If you continue just as it is, do we still deserve to be called as a nation?
Nation is primarily a form of collective solidarity, which further highlight the elements together and does not highlight the problem of inequality or exploitation. in the context of the definition of social group, Ferdinand Tonnies argued that social groups is a form of collective life, where its members are bound by ties of pure mind and character of natural and eternal. These limits are referred to as community or "gemeinschaft Tonnies".
"Tonnies peguyuban" mentioned some characteristics, namely: (1) intimate, affectionate relationship overall between individuals within the community. (2) Private, personal relationships among community members, because of consanguinity. And the third is exclusive,  a closed relationship between all members of the community as a community. Therefore in "gemeinschaft" or community have a common will of (the will together), and also there is an understanding (mutual understanding), as well as with its own rules arising from the group. The goal is to create a balance (the harmony) among members of the group. The principle of fraternity is maintained by state institutions which have the ability to reach out to all members of a nation. Another function of a nation create and enforce the rules of the game, whether in economic life, and politics, and society as agreed by its members. Nation formed by the elements of culture, history and heritage of another tradition that never existed before. It said as a collective solidarity because it has its own cultural symbols such as the language used in a particular territory, which actually reflect a unity. Therefore, the concept of brotherhood and highlight the nation or togetherness. Which of these together would form a political community, nation and state are constantly undergoing a process of continuous reconstruction of the history of its development.


Cultural literally comes from the Latin that is Colere work the land that has meaning, process, maintain the fields (Soerjanto Poespowardojo 1993).

According to The American Heritage Dictionary defines culture as a whole from the behavior pattern that is sent through a social life, religion, institutional, and all the work and the human mind of a human group.

According Koentjaraningrat's opinion culture is the whole system of ideas and actions of human work in the framework of a society that human beings have become a way of learning.

Work culture is a philosophy with the underlying philosophy of life as the values ​​that the nature, driving habits and also cultivated in a group and reflected in the attitude to behavior, ideals, opinions, views and actions manifested as work. (Gering Supriyadi and Tri Guno)

Work culture aims to change attitudes and behaviors of existing human resources in order to increase productivity to cope with various challenges in the future.

The benefits of implementing good Work Culture:
1. enhance mutual help spirit
2. enhance togetherness
3. mutually open to each other
4. improve family life
5. increase the sense of kinship
6. establish better communication
7. increase labor productivity
8. responsive to developments outside world, etc..


How important is tidiness for your life? Of course the answers obtained from these kinds of questions are extremely diverse. Some people really enjoy the "chaos" - messy rooms, reams of paper here and there, without rules! However, do not be hurried judge that this kind of mess. Do not judge the book by its cover! The saying goes. Life seems a mess of this sort does not necessarily make the people who live it also messy, and the performance is unorganized and unreliable! Although chaotic in here and there, the people with this kind of style is able to quickly find something that is needed in quick time. As if, in the "chaos" that he found a pattern of "order", because in his mind, must have no categorization that enables it to make a clear mapping for themselves. Other people can be very difficult to read this kind of mapping, because it can not be seen with the naked eye.
Other extreme was no less-less. There are demanded absolute exactitude. Neatness, and arrangement of space which is regular standard norms that should not be violated at all. Inevitably, it  conducted should follow a clear procedure, each time after eating, all without exception, are required to immediately wash their own plate. That's standard procedure - the standardized operating procedure! Failure to follow standard procedures will lead to endless nagging. Is this wrong? No, nothing is wrong than how to live life like this. Living with all order and neatness does carry a nice rhythm for those who are concerned, because there is no certainty.
The problem, then what can really be considered wrong? The answer is very relative. I have come across various kinds of people with different characteristics. I never go into a boudoir of a college senior who is very neat, on his desk there are only two pens, and a small notebook. But I also never faced on a boss who is above his desk were piles of paper, so as if he was drowning in her work. Which one is better? I can not judge. To me, that experience led me to reflect. Which one is right for me? What suits me? Apparently, the more I ask, the more I found a simple answer: get to know yourself, where things are most helpful, where things are most disturbing.
The journey of reflection led me to know more in who I am. I eventually found that I was the person who can not really follow the standard pattern with a high level of neatness. I feel there are spaces of freedom when should follow standard procedures. Although I basically have no objection at all to do the dishes after dinner, I do not always enjoy this kind of order and neatness. I know that I sometimes put off the things that require this kind of neatness. Sometimes when you wake up, I immediately moved to grab a pen and paper because they do not want to lose the idea. I let no folded blankets. Giving the impression that I'm lazy. I know that. I'm more concerned about pouring the idea before missing swallowed up by new ideas.
However, at other times, especially when many tasks that must be addressed and taken care of this kind, I would be very helpful when my desk clean. Not many books in there, so there is a loose space on the table. When my eyes see a loose chamber, the psychological burden due to the pursuit of a variety of tasks slightly raised. Loose the empty space on the table, to make myself able to draw breath in relief, and in my heart, formed a kind of belief: there is enough time to do these kinds of tasks. Do not worry, stay consistent, make sure you check what you should do, lest any runoff! It was my conscience that seems to appear after seeing the empty space above a loose table.
There was never a single right way to achieve a success. Success is always a combination of a variety of things: high morale or fighting spirit, determination, skill, self-management, and skill to manage your diet.
This is a reflection of the tightness of mounting tasks! Hopefully useful.


Lie is a false statement made ​​by someone with the objective listener to believe. Fiction though wrong, but not a lie. People who speak lies and especially those who have the habit of lying called a liar.

The line between lies and truth is very thin. An example: if one of my neighbors said that he is a descendant of the Russian Tsar, Nikolai II, then to say he lied. Lies can be proven with a study of DNA, and besides that we all know that Tsar Nicholas II and his family had been massacred by the communists. But if he said that he was still Russian descent, just maybe he was right. Who knew it was true ancestors were from Russia.

At a lie there is also the element of intent. If someone says that he is a professor but it's not, then he deliberately did it to show off. This is a lie. However, if a member of the CIA said that Osama bin Laden according to the data was in Pakistan, but it is not, then this name is a mistake and not a lie. Unless he did it deliberately as a tactic, then the name is a disinformation tactic.

adapted from wikipedia


Everyone would like a happy family. Create a happy family is not difficult. There are certain tips to build family happy family

1. honest with each other.
2. Listen to your partner  complaints seriously and consider their feelings
3. If there problem you have discussed so as not to antagonize.
4. Show spouse that you love her and say "I Love You" at least once a day.
5. make your time alone without hindrance by the children. Schedule events at least once a year together.
6. do not bob up and down the past and learn from mistakes.
 7. Believe in pairs. If you are unsure or suspicious tell it to him/ her.
8.  At the time of your partner to talk, look at his face until he knows if you pay attention to his speech.
9. When arguing, keep your word (not to say anything that would regret later) and try keep calm and not carry emotions, try sitting still.
10. Keep confidential relationship both of you.

it may work if you do it with the greatest heart

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Success is achieved by a simple pattern. Anyone who can run this pattern, then success be inevitable. Who is fast running pattern, success was achieved quickly. Initial conditions, it is influential, but not more decisive than the running pattern. The poor and the rich more quickly where success? When only counting the initial conditions, then the rich man answers. But is not the determining initial conditions, but the process of running the pattern. The poor are much faster to run a successful pattern of the rich, will achieve success more quickly as well.

Self Confidence

Everything starts from here. It's your self-image. Self image. It deals with how you believe in yourself? Are you human beings are born to succeed or to fail? You are a good person or bad person? You are handsome / beautiful or ugly? You deserve decent rich or poor? You feel as lower class, middle class or upper class? When dealing with others, you feel yourself above, equal or above? Also associated with you feel yourself a good follower or a leader great? Feel they have all the talent and potential that is needed or not?

Well, success starts from positive self-belief. Are you sure you were born to succeed. You are a good person. You are handsome / beautiful. You deserve to be rich and upper class people. Believe in yourself dealing with others. No inferiority complex. Not too overbearing. You deserve a great leader. You also believe once you are blessed with enough talent and potential to achieve success you want.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Here you can know about the benefits of the little things that we should do all the time,the benefits of a smile:
1. A smile makes you more attractive We are always interested in people who are always smiling. People who always smile had its own charm. Facial wrinkles, frown, get people away from you, but instead a smile can make them interested.
2. Smile change your moodWhen you feel down or "down" try to smile. Maybe your mood will change for the better.
3. A smile can stimulate other people smileWhen someone smiled the smile that will make the atmosphere become more bright, changing the mood of other people are nearby, and make everyone be happy. People who like to smile brings happiness for people around him. Often smiling then you will be liked by many people.
4. A smile can Reduce stress Stress can actually appear on your face. Smiling helps to prevent the impression that we are actually being tired or feeling "down". If you're stresss try to smile, then your stress will decrease and you will feel better to make the next step.
5. A smile increases your immune system (immune) to your bodySmiles can help the body's immune work in order to work properly. When you smile, immune function increases the likelihood you become more relaxed.
6. Smile lower your blood pressureWhen you smile, then your blood pressure will decrease. If you do not believe, you can try it for yourself, if you have a blood pressure gauge in your home.
7. Smile out of endorphins (natural pain relievers) and serotoninSeveral studies have shown that smiling can stimulate spending endorphins, natural pain reliever, as well as serotonin. A smile is a natural medicine.
8. A smile can lather your face and make you look youngerThe muscles used to smile come to make you look younger. If you want something different, then give your smile all day, then you will look younger, and feel better.
9. A smile makes you look successful People who smile look more confident in living his life. Try smiling when you have a meeting and when there is a promise, certain co-workers, friends, the people closest to you will feel something different.
10. A smile makes you stay positiveTry this test: Smile. So now try to think something negative without stop smiling. Difficult is not it? . Because when you smile the smile that will send signals to your body that "your life is fine".

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Thursday, May 19, 2011


every human being must have the memories in his life. these memories can be good memories or bad memories as well.
Every memory has a special meaning for the owner. maybe we can laugh or even cry when re-considering a memory.
memories of the past comes from vision, hearing, and we smell something. of the three things on the side, the most powerful in our memories is interesting sense of smell.
let's say, we will more easily remember the smell of perfume better than remember the color of one's clothes.
scientists are very inspired by a time machine. therefore, they create a unique perfume with the scent, so that everyone who kiss will always remember the smell of it.
we too can create a time machine in ourselves. but we can not change the father is already happening. we can only feel what's in the past.
your way is to buy perfume distinctive and easy ti be found
with the perfume, we can capture every moment ti be found the past with our brain.