Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Patience comes from the Greek word MACROTHUMIA which is a combination of two words: "MACRO" which means long, and "THUMOS"that means temperament. So patience is pointing to the notion of anger that needs a very long time to raise before the anger was expressed; a controlled anger. Not a few of us who have a short temper, that is easy to lose patience and become angry, offended by the words and less reassure our anger just exploded and uncontrollable. The psalmist warned, "Stop mad and leave the liver it hot, do not be angry, it only leads to evil." (Psalm 37:8). But there are also people who are able to control anger, and can be patient with others.
Patience is the opposite of anger is not in place, the ability to exercise restraint in dealing with difficult situations. Moses, as a leader who is also human, sometimes can not hold his anger against the people of Israel for their disobedience to God. When God told Moses to speak to the rock for the rock out of water, Moses struck the rock instead. Impatience causes Moses was not allowed God to enter the Promised Land. Can be concluded that even a patient man has limits. So we really need the Holy Spirit for us to have patience in all situations, because sooner or later we will arrive at our patience limits.
Once the importance of patience in the lives of believers so that the word of God put it in a certain order. If we already have the love, joy and peace, patience will be present. Lord Jesus Himself has given us a living example, how He remained patient against those who persecuted and crucified Him on the cross, no anger at all. And patience is the nature of God, He is patient with everyone. As His children, we should inherit the properties of our Father. If not, then we are children whom?
Have patience, because "People who wait more than a hero ,..." Proverbs 16:32

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