Saturday, June 18, 2011


"Nasi Gandul" is a typical regional food from Pati (Central Java). These foods have the characteristic "sweet", because the sauce plus a little soy sauce and given a piece of meat cooked sweet. Rice Gandul contain lots of fat, perfect for someone who was having a body fattening program. A portion of "Rice Gandul" sold for $ 1.2 (Gandul rice, meat, beverages).
If you want to eat it, just come to Pati (Central Java). There are many"Nasi Gandul" sellers, especially in the area Gajahmati.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Patience comes from the Greek word MACROTHUMIA which is a combination of two words: "MACRO" which means long, and "THUMOS"that means temperament. So patience is pointing to the notion of anger that needs a very long time to raise before the anger was expressed; a controlled anger. Not a few of us who have a short temper, that is easy to lose patience and become angry, offended by the words and less reassure our anger just exploded and uncontrollable. The psalmist warned, "Stop mad and leave the liver it hot, do not be angry, it only leads to evil." (Psalm 37:8). But there are also people who are able to control anger, and can be patient with others.
Patience is the opposite of anger is not in place, the ability to exercise restraint in dealing with difficult situations. Moses, as a leader who is also human, sometimes can not hold his anger against the people of Israel for their disobedience to God. When God told Moses to speak to the rock for the rock out of water, Moses struck the rock instead. Impatience causes Moses was not allowed God to enter the Promised Land. Can be concluded that even a patient man has limits. So we really need the Holy Spirit for us to have patience in all situations, because sooner or later we will arrive at our patience limits.
Once the importance of patience in the lives of believers so that the word of God put it in a certain order. If we already have the love, joy and peace, patience will be present. Lord Jesus Himself has given us a living example, how He remained patient against those who persecuted and crucified Him on the cross, no anger at all. And patience is the nature of God, He is patient with everyone. As His children, we should inherit the properties of our Father. If not, then we are children whom?
Have patience, because "People who wait more than a hero ,..." Proverbs 16:32


Today, there are five types of lumpia semarang with different tastes. First flow of "Gang Lombok" (Siem Swie Kiem), both flow Pemuda Street (deceased Siem Swie Hie), and third flow Mataram street (deceased Siem Hwa Nio). The third stream comes from one family Sing Gwan Siem Nio-Tjoa Po-law and daughter who is a single creator lumpia Semarang, Tjoa Thay Yoe-Wasih.
The fourth stream is the number of former employees of Pemuda Street spring rolls, and the flow of the five were people with backgrounds culinary hobby that makes spring rolls with learning outcomes of the spring roll recipe that has been circulating.
Current oldest generation, ie third generation Siem Swie Kiem (68), remains faithfully serving customers in his father's legacy shop (Siem Gwan Sing) in "Gang Lombok 11". Gang Lombok specialty spring rolls, according to a number of fans who had met in kiosks are odorless rebungnya concoction, mix well egg and shrimp are not fishy.
Lumpia made the fourth generation we can get in the stall lumpia Siem Siok Mrs. Lien Lien (43) on Pemuda Street and Pandanaran Street. Mrs. Lien shop continue his late father, Siem Swie Hie, who is the brother of Siem Swie Kiem, at Pemuda Street (Gang Grajen) as he opened two branches in Pandanaran Street.
Mrs. Lien lumpia this peculiarity is its contents are added to chicken meat concoction. When beginning to continue the business his late father, Mrs. Lien makes three kinds of spring rolls, ie the contents of the shrimp spring rolls, chicken spring rolls contents (for an allergy shrimp), and special spring rolls contain a mixture of shrimp and chicken. But, feeling the rush and especially most buyers prefer the special, now Mbak Lien only make one kind only, that is special to the content of bamboo shoots spring rolls of shrimp and chicken mixed.
The other fourth generation, namely the children of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio (older sister of Siem Swie Kiem) continued her stall in Jalan Mataram (Jalan MT Haryono) in addition to opening new kiosks at several places in the city of Semarang. Among the deceased children Siem Hwa Nio have also opened branches in Jakarta. There are even grandson of the late Siem Hwa as the fifth-generation Nio open spring rolls alone shop in Semarang.
In addition to families ancestral creator lumpia semarang, now many people "outsiders" who make lumpia semarang. They generally their former employees. Those who have also helped to enliven the culinary hobby business to make lumpia lumpia semarang own, like Lumpia Express, Phoa Kiem Hwa from Hyderabad International Family and Garden Restaurant in  Gajah Mada Street, Semarang.

Prices spring rolls are sold by different merchants. Lumpia shop Gang Lombok owned by Swie Siem Kiem, for example, sells for $0.7 per pcs (fry / wet). The shop at Pemuda Street, Mrs. Lien sell it at a price of $0.64 per pcs. While other merchants selling spring rolls with a price of about $0.3 per pcs.

If you want to know the taste of delicious "LUMPIA", visit Semarang on Pandanaran street and Pemuda Street.


The Chinese government expressed a high-speed train line linking Beijing and Shanghai soon be inaugurated in late June 2011. This path is part of China's ambitious project to build a rail along the more than 13,000 km across the country this year.
So that was conveyed Hu Yadong, vice minister of Railways of China, as reported by the Associated Press news agency.
Fastest travel time to a distance of 1318 kilometers will be five hours or half the usual time. While most long travel time will be under eight hours, Hu added in a statement on page Affairs Ministry of Railway Transport.
The test train has been carried out on 11 May. The formal opening, by chance coincided with the celebration of the founding of the Communist Party 90 years on 1 July.
"With pride, we declare that the fast rail project is an independent marker of China!" said Hu. He stated that the train is designed for security and safety.
Operational speed of the train which was originally planned 350 kilometers per hour, eventually shortened from 300 kilometers per hour after its safety was questioned. China will continue to operate 136 trains to connect the two cities, said Hu.
Overall, China aims to build a railway along the 13,000 kilometers by the end of this year, and is expected to be doubled by 2020.
Train ticket prices that connects two major cities in the State of the Great Wall that will range from $63 to  $245, depending on the type of class and speed of the train.
Currently the train ticket prices ranging from $27 for regular seats on the train at the latest, up to $112 to train with beds on the train the fastest.

Friday, June 10, 2011


The worst traffic congestion in China inspire Zhang Yuhan, a student majoring in design, to create a vehicle anti-jam. This car is in certain circumstances can change such as a boat that can cross the lake and river. In fact, these vehicles can get through snow.

Hovercraft car which then uses the Aqua Concept Volkswagen brand is one CDN Car Design Award finalist in China. The event was held former BMW designer Chris Bangle.

Zhang explained that the car without wheels is to use multiple machines. The main engine or a turbine impeller under the vehicle. When the machine is turned on, this turbine will lift the vehicle body. Then the two engines behind the push way forward.

"Aqua offers a future vehicle, because it uses hydrogen fuel that produces no pollutants,"Zhang was quoted as saying, recently.

The basis of the Aqua is taken from China off-road vehicles which later remade Volkswagen. Aqua interpret Volkswagen design philosophy with a single line without a break. Vehicle door vehicle is not on the side, but in the back.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the past 52 years the submarine's first ballistic berudal United States, the USS George Washington launched. Besides being equipped with ballistic missiles, submarines are also armed with torpedoes and cruise missiles.

According to the History Channel television station, a submarine of this kind is very important for maritime security force anywhere because it is difficult to find and attack effectively, especially to destroy similar nuclear-powered ships.

Only the U.S. Navy, Russia, Britain, France, and China which have nuclear submarines. Other countries still rely on submarine conventional diesel power.

Submarine nuclear power began to be known at the launching of the USS Nautillus in 1944. Abundant resources provided by the uranium-fueled reactors to make nuclear submarines can remain submerged and operate at high speeds with no limits.

The submarine itself was first discovered in the 18th century and 19 by David Bushnell and Robert Fulton, with the man submarine. In 1898, John P. Holland launched the Holland, which has a gasoline engine to move on the surface and battery-powered electric motor to explore in the water. The ship was finally purchased the U.S. government in 1900.

Ships findings of Simon Lake (1866-1945) was first adopted in Europe and eventually by the U.S.. On the night before the World War I, all naval ships equipped with diesel-powered submarines.

During World War II, submarines innovation progress. The inventors snorkel introduce fresh air supply for the diesel engine so it does not bother to come to the surface.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Alois Mabhunu, a police officer in Zimbabwe, was detained in special prisons just because police dying pee. The reason, he do it in the toilet reserved for Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe.

Reported by CNN page, Monday, June 6, 2011, police in the murder investigation is now awaiting sentencing judge, the case of violations of the toilet.

The incident occurred when Mabhunu incorporated in the presidential security forces in last month's Festival of International Trade. Call of nature forced him to immediately find a toilet. What happened to presume the nearest restroom when it's just a VIP toilet for Mugabe and Jean Louis Ekra, President Director of Export Import Bank.

Mabhunu had stopped his contemporaries. However, the condition of his stomach was in the balance. No longer able to think clearly, Mabhunu push through and complete digestion.

A few days later, he was arrested on charges of indiscipline.

Besides detained for 10 days, Mabhunu also demoted and not allowed to wear civilian clothes during duty. His family is now trying to lobby the Commissioner General of Police, Augustine Chihuri, to liberate Mabhunu.

Reached for comment, Zimbabwean police spokesman, Wayne Bvudzijena, says this is a purely internal matter of the police and discipline problems. Bvudzijena said Mabhunu had violated orders and because shitting affairs that he should be severely punished.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Someone who has been convicted of diabetes illness usually will not live long. However, a grandfather in the United States (U.S.) dispelled that notion. Seniors named Bob Krause has 85 years suffering from diabetes, but until now she still looks healthy for his age.
According to news agency Associated Press (AP), Krause family birthday 90th last week. A leading diabetes research center to give a gift to Kraus, that is the first American to be able to live with diabetes for 85 years.
In a celebration, Sunday, May 29, 2011, Krause received a medal from the Joslin Diabetes Center on the accomplishments that. "Bob managed to live longer than the average healthy person who was born in 1921," said Dr. Patricia Wu.
According to Wu, a strong personality Krause became the basis for his longevity. "He knows how to deal with physical obstacles and make it as part of his life. He did not let his mental maturity," said Wu, as quoted by AP.
Residents of San Diego was convicted of diabetes at the age of five years. However, until now, he is able to survive with a malignant disease that. "I am a stubborn person. I refuse to give up," said Krause.
According to him, the recipe a long life with diabetes is that he had been treating his body like a car. Just like a car that only has a limited fuel tank, Kraus was eating in moderation, no need to overdo it.
"By maintaining control of diabetes, we only consume food that is needed before the move," said Krause. "I eat only to survive, rather than always eating, or eating for pleasure," he continued.
Every time a breakfast, Krause eating nuts and plums. He usually skipping lunch and eating salads and lean meat as a dinner menu.
Krause recipe was very simple, yet proven effective for diabetics. Currently, 18.8 million Americans affected by diabetes and seven million more expected unknowingly living with the disease.
Krause suffered diabetes is type 1, which was referred to as juvenile diabetes. A common diabetes is type 2.
About three million Americans living with type 1 diabetes. At that stage, the agency does not have enough people with insulin, needed to process blood sugar into energy.
The cause of the disease is still unclear, because it depends on genetics and immunity level of the patient's body. Usually, people with diabetes are not able to live long, because they are exposed to great risk of serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney damage, and amputation of organs. Many patients also have to struggle regulate blood pressure.


Google once again could not circumvent the Chinese hacking attacks. After the tragedy of late 2009, when the hackers from the country of origin stubborn Baidu had managed to break into Google's system and steal the codes is important, now the service provider of electronic mail (e-mail) Gmail became targets.
Target break-no kidding. Page Wall Street Journal (WSJ) today reported that the email accounts of senior officials from the U.S. and hundreds of other important figures in jeopardy.
The victims, including state and military officials, bureaucrats Asia, Chinese activists and journalists, teperdaya give their Gmail account password to cyber criminals based in mainland China, according to Google's statement as written in the WSJ. The aim is to spread e-mail attack victim to certain addresses.
Suspicion is directed to the hackers who dwells in Jinan, capital of Shandong Province, eastern China.
In Washington, the United States, agency investigators FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the U.S. State Department was shoulder to shoulder investigate this case. "We do not believe there is an official email account owned by U.S. government officials who breached," said Caitlin Hayden of the U.S. National Security Council to the WSJ.
Jinan, which is located about 400 kilometers south of Beijing, is the headquarters of the bureaus of technical surveillance of the People's Liberation Army, one of the largest armies in the world.
Previously, Mila Parker, a security researcher in Washington, Google would have warned the threat of attack. Mila managed to save examples of emails that he was identified through routine observation and he called the attack "man-in-the-mailbox."
The method used by the sender: email accounts of victims and their contacts in it seized and used to convince other potential victims.
According to him, as revealed in the pages of New York Times, was "not new or cutting-edge ways," but "spreading invasive."
He then handed me a fake document entitled "Draft US-China Joint Statement" (draft Cooperation Agreement US-China) that is spread through e-mail account in the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency and Gmail.
When the user tries to download the document, they will be herded into a fake Gmail homepage that will steal your password.
That incident will certainly further increase the pressure on cyberwar issues. The U.S. government this week will decide that cyber attacks are classified as "war".
Meanwhile, British Defence Secretary, Nick Harvey said, as quoted from the pages of The Guardian, "any activity in cyberspace will slowly form a kind of battlefield of the future."


Latest from Ismaya Group who have given us, among others, Blowfish, Puro, Sushi Groove and Social House, Pizza e Birra depart from the belief that the pizza fit combined with the beer (and they are not wrong). According to the nature of beer and pizza that elemental and "populist", where it insists on modern aesthetics rustic: wooden plates equivalent stringy, coarse white brick, tile "antique" ornamental and wooden crates like image of a brewery, with a crowd of light hanging wide shaped distillers are made of copper (a clever touch).
Again, because this Ismaya Group, any dish that is served on the principle of "multi-kulti" universe stretching from Bangkok to Japan, the Peking to Milan. This is certainly not a new concept (California Pizza Kitchen has been doing from the beginning of the 2000s), but fusion and confusion in the whole meaning it takes packaging without ceasing.
From a number of choices of pizza (which is generally with a thin crust), you can choose the Smashing Pumpkins consisted of pieces of pumpkin spiced "nori sauce", roasted tomatoes, thin slices of "nori" with two slices of super-plump shrimp tempura on top (which is not so clearly meant as an accent or as the main event) or From India With Love, which explores the pieces of tandoori roasted chicken on top of sauce mango chutney and creamed cashews are still sharpened by licking wasabi and a sprinkling of mint leaves. As usual, there is always excessive, whether one or two-tone in the exploration of this Ismaya group: Smashing Pumpkins was, in my opinion, is enough character without having to bear the tempura shrimp-frills which I do not add value to anything (except calories); ditto From India with Love, who is too "humid" and sharp, with a sense of who are competing to attract attention, to be eaten with rice or naan as a bidder. An alternative that is more down to earth is the Morning After the Starter, which combines bacon, fried eggs Omega 3, and potato chips with rosemary flavor is very simple and without pretension.
From the choice of beer, try the beer taste peach or Cuban Mojito, both of which are the result of a combination of Bali Hai and fruit juice. Be careful: despite the sweetness melenakan, these beers can make you drunk in a short amount of time.
For pasta lovers, there is spaghetti with grilled eel (unagi), garlic and chili, spaghetti with spicy shrimp and penne a la Cambodia with four cheese and walnuts. From the sweetness of the pizza options, Black-eyed Pears, New York Cheesecake and Mad About Tiramisunya prominent. For added atmosphere, try sitting next to the window and watch the newest skyscrapers stretch of the capital which is not a mirage

5th Floor, Plaza Indonesia ExtensionUnit E 22Jl. M.H. Thamrin no. 28-30Central JakartaTel. 3192 8070

Thursday, June 2, 2011


first shown in Milan, Italy in 2010, many parties have guessed that the motor scooter bongsor that when it exhibited in the form of motor concept will soon become a reality. And it was indeed true, Honda will soon produce this bike.

Scooter which will be produced this will use the New Mid scooter concept as a prestigious exhibition on display at EICMA in Milan last year. Picture presented is a design patent was filed but leaked to the public and spread across many media.

Maxi-scooter is expected to use the parallel-twin engine with a capacity between 600 cc to 750 cc with a choice of dual-clutch gearbox transmission with a similar similar version VFR1200F like the concept.

At quick glance, this bike design looks very sporty and bongsor with neatly spread curves from front to aft. At the front fairing looks there are air vents that also exist in the concept version first.

While its legs in the crutch by the two rims 17 inch size is sturdy and has wrapped radial tires and rear suspension that makes PRO-LINK-style sport-style motorcycle.

However, despite these design patents are widely spread, until now the Japanese manufacturer of bearing the single wing flapping it turned out to vote for silence. Honda has not yet been willing to comment on images that have spread it. Thus was launched autoevolution,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This ship is the largest solar-powered yacht in the world. The ship, now travels the world to break the record while campaigning for the use of renewable energy.

The name of the ship was Tûranor PlanetSolar, taken from JRR Tolkien's novel Lord of the Rings, which means' sun power. "

As reported by the dailymail site, the ship started its mission of Monaco since 27 September 2010 was entirely relying on solar power.

This ship has a body length of up to 31 meters, and can carry up to 40 passengers. While the panel suryanya stretched to more than 500 m square. The panel should move the two electric motors.

The shape is deliberately designed to have two 'legs', to fulfill aspects of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, so that ships could sail with kkecepatan up as fast as 14 knots, or about 26 km per hour.

The ship had already been visited various places such as Miami, Cancun, when held a conference on world climate, as well as the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Now, he was in Australia.

When the mission a success, the ship was built at a cost of U.S. $ 12.5 million, approximately USD 107 billion, it will become the first successful cruise around the earth, relying purely solar power.