Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Leadership is built on the strength of a productive habits of thought with which dilandasai by moral strength means he has "integrity" to behave and act, so he was able to give example to influence others to make changes related to thought processes. Therefore someone who has leadership that is able to apply for meaning and integrity means that he believes is true that if only the strong can survive and desires hinder the progress of people, become the sycophant, two-faced, would not be able to keep up with changes?

With that in mind the above, then the "Integrity" key leadership "how he made the right decision at the right time" in attitude and behavior because therein lies the foundation in building trust  and relationships between individuals within the organization. Where we pay attention to legalities and procedures that must be taken, but more importantly "Integrity" which one can lead an honest and the dishonest are not easy to confuse things that are formal but can be misleading.

So leader who have "integrity", so he was well aware that the law of the jungle is never clear, it does not mean he will use the pretext of power to play in the arena, because he will refuse to engage in unfair competition, although it is a task to tackle. Therefore he is in the attitude and behavior will not escape from making a fair and objective decision. So with integrity that means

Monday, August 15, 2011


Our dependence on water repellent not limited to mere thirst. Bathing twice a day and wash your hair at least once every three days late is highly recommended health and fitness experts. The reason, a touch of clean water by the body making the body feel fresh and fit again. To maintain the beauty, even cleaning the body must be properly addressed; plus a glass of water 8-10 glasses a day.
Since hundreds of years before Christ the Romance familiar properties of bathroom, whether milk bath or soak

Sunday, July 24, 2011


The word temperament may sound familiar. Is a combination of innate temperament / disposition / temperament we inherited from parents. Of course not only temperament that affect our behavior. Life at home in the early days, training, education and the environment also has a powerful influence over our actions throughout life. But nevertheless temperament has a strong influence on a person's life, not just because it's the first result to us, but as the body structure, eye color and other physical characteristic temperament also continue to accompany us in taking this life.

The Sanguine

Type Sanguine is the most open among all types of temperament. Even this type can be called a super open. Sanguin person is a person who likes to talk easily adjust to a warm friendly and full of humor and responsive. Type Sanguin not stand to see strangers in front of them without responding to him. Sanguin person is a person who likes to hang out and spontaneous. They rarely worried about the future and the past, they enjoy more excitement from the days of its path than the other types. Sanguine usually is not serious thinkers, they interpreted the events there quickly. Sometimes they get in trouble because of that choice is rarely anticipating or their actions. Feeling they have a very dominant role in everything, so they tend to make decisions that are emotional. Learning from experience, decisions that are emotionally almost always a bad decisions.

The Choleric

Choleric is also open type, but typically the level of openness is lower than the super-type Sanguine open. Choleric is also an active person, the spirit of hardworking, ambitious, a motivator for others. Because of its strong-willed independent and educated hard, people tend to be stubborn choleric. Compromise is very difficult for them unless a compromise is beneficial to the goals they have. They have a purpose for everything from physical health to the child's behavior. Those are the type who likes to take over, the bossy others around them, no matter whether it liked it or not. Choleric never to try not to control a situation and their life is full of contradictions. Part of the nature of those who have not developed is their emotions. Get approval from them is almost impossible. Achieving their goal is for an ambitions, and some people get their reputation by Choleric uses others
The Melancholic

The most talented of all types is melancholic, even if they type the most recent value their own talents. Melancholic has a closed nature. They often have a high level of intelligence and aesthetic depth so that they better appreciate the art as compared with the other temperaments. Melancholic tend to be moody and easily broken. People are born as a man pefeksionis melancholic, often underestimate themselves not to do better despite the fact that their productivity is more than most other temperament. They are people willing to sacrifice yourself, seriously, and fear of failure. They have a meticulous nature, living with a challenge or a vision to invest their lives, but rarely can produce its own. Therefore, many people find joy in melancholic dedicate their lives to the Lord Jesus and do His work. Temperament in the book that changed, it is shown that God is using more and more people in the Bible than the melancholic temperament temperament-other. They work best when they offered themselves to a useful purpose greater than themselves. Christianity and its view to give them eternal life challenges.

The Phlegmatic

Plegmatik is a private person who is very quiet, not demanding calm and slow. They never became agitated embarrass themselves by apologizing for everything they say. They rarely coming up with ideas or feelings if they are not sure they will not injure or hurt others. People plegmatik is a very good person with a happy and pleasant nature. Many of them are very funny because they have the power of humor. They are born with talent diplomat and peacemaker, they are loved by children. People Plegmatik a friend who is fun and not scary, two of their main weakness is fear and selfish, even though they show this attitude with a very diplomatic so that even a few good friends they do not know them.

No one else has the temperament of vital force or the most prominent are the most valuable contribution to this life. Precisely with the diversity that God created the power of temperament this is the world works so beautifully.

Someone with a joke shows a series of events involving the four temperament Koleris agile and hardworking generate discoveries in the probe by the Melancholy of genius and then sold by the Sanguin interesting and enjoyed by the Plegmatik a slut.

Strengths of each temperament make each into a draw and we are thankful that we all have some of this power. But there's more interesting things. To achieve our goals, as important as the strength of temperament is even more important is to see the weakness of temperament. Thus we will be able to compare the strengths and weaknesses of a temperament. The aim is that we can diagnose our own weaknesses and develop a program that is planned to these weaknesses. Along with these strengths there are weaknesses realistically then please allow God to do something to fix it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Error when styling your hair frequently occur. Whether in the salon and when styling your hair yourself at home. Panic and confusion make you look for ways to outsmart. Feelings of confidence can arise due to looks so 'miraculous'.
Here's how to outsmart the post-fault arrangement of hair, which was launched from Shine. The trick is quite simple, affordable, fast, and effective.
1. Prolonged exposure to hot equipment Step one: Use a shampoo and conditioner for hair after coloring moisturizing content contained therein. This formula can provide a protective material on each strand of your hair. Step two: Apply to dry hair treatments. Use the formula conditioner on the hair and let sit for 30 minutes. Step three: Protect your hair from the mistakes of care and makeup with thermal protector spray each time the hair by using tools that generate heat. Step four: Reduce the use of these tools and keep your hair moisture. Instead, you can use a smoothing serum and use again at noon for the rearrangement.
2. One hair coloring Step one: Wait 24 hours and use the 'shampoo France'. Ie shampoo with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide with your usual shampoo. Allow the shampoo on hair for 15 minutes.This formula will raise the colors that you do not want. Step two: Apply the appropriate re-paint your hair with your natural color. Let the hair dye on the roots for half the time recommended on the packaging, then rinse. Step three: Use a deep-conditioning treatment before you clean your hair with shampoo. It can  reduce the damage caused by double staining.
3. Rough and fast-growing bangs The first step: Do this if you do not have time to visit the salon to trim. Use a soft gel when wet, then dry with a hairdryer to help your hair so the hair looks smoother and against excessive hair growth. Step two: Dry your hair with a round comb assistance that will help you in a fringe suburb after finish. If the edge bangs still covering the eyes, comb from the roots to swell slightly in accordance with the hairline.
4. New haircut is too short The first step: Make a triangle shape on the head with the widest side is on the trapeze in the middle of the forehead and head. Use a strong gel, random-random part. This can create a nice effect and glamorous. Step two: Use the hair gel, and create a texture that is a little messy to obscure details on hair pieces

I hope this article useful for you, who have hair problems.

Monday, July 4, 2011

How to Buy an Antiques

Antiques are often not just be home decoration, but also a marker of wealth of the owner. That's because the hallmark of antiquities is a high value because of age and rare and hard to come by. Usually, household goods, furniture or decorative art objects that display the beauty, or period of origin. Buying and collecting antiques is so popular hobby worldwide. With home adorned with antiques, the atmosphere could be a memorable classic. Some antiques may even be a worthwhile investment. However, not always age-old objects can be regarded as antiquities. There are certain criteria that must be consider as you hunt for antiques. Here are four things you can consider when buying antiques, as quoted by the Times of India pages.
Value Antiques are not necessarily expensive. Antiques are meant to be appreciated and cared for. Many antiques into assets with a value that increases over time. If you buy high-quality antique desk today, its value could rise within a few years, depending on how the conditions pasar.Sebelum buy antiques, consider if they are authentic or reproductions. Some reproduction furniture has its own intrinsic value, but the original antiques of course better. If the seller knows the history of antiques, you may not need to doubt its authenticity. However, if the seller does not understand its history, find out other signs. Such as, date of manufacture which may be engraved on the object.
Condition Another consideration before buying antiques is to look at its condition. Many experts suggest the antique collectors not to clean up certain pieces because the signs of age are part of the value of goods. However, another element to consider is the origin, or ownership history. Knowing the initial owner of the goods could be evidence that the goods are actually worth. If the seller can provide ownership papers or photographs of the early owners of antiques, these items can be very valuable. This is much easier to authenticate antiques if the original owner can be identified, including sales charges are still there.
See detailed of model and shape Appreciate the process. Many antiques have a unique shape, whether it's viewed from the sculpture, color and flavor of the art maker. Notice periods and styles that dominate. For example, what is the dominant form when you buy an antique chair. Model and design lines of Antiquities could indicate the age of the goods.
Care and cleaning Caring for antiques is not difficult. But it must be cleaned regularly. Some items even just need to be cleaned with a piece of soft cloth, such as furniture.
To maintain the luster of furniture and so durable, dust-dust must be cleaned. The beauty of antique furniture that has been cleared, indicating that the owner has full compassion to care for her for years.
Do not store the furniture in the sun because it will fade the color. Antique furniture had to be treated with caution.
Placement Show off your best antiques. Do not save the antiques in the basement or attic. Place it in the best room so you and your guests can enjoy its beauty. In fact, in the room with a super modern design, you can put a 400-year-old antiques. This will create a unique atmosphere of the contrast in the room so that even more special. Impression of elegance and atmosphere of the home may appear more lifelike. Instead, choose the antiques that depict the personality style, or your taste. Buy antiques that you love and care as well. An antique is selected by the liver can become an indispensable part of your home. In fact, if revealed to the children, could be a part of family history.

GADO - GADO (Mixed Vegetable with Peanuts Sauce)

Gado-gado is an Indonesian dish comprising a vegetable salad served with a peanut sauce dressing. It is thought to have originally been a Betawi dish. It is widely served from hawkers carts, stalls (warung) as well as in restaurants both in Indonesia and worldwide.
Gado-gado is part of a wide range of Indonesian dressing & salad combinations, along with lotek, pecel and karedok. In many places, to retain authenticity in both the production and flavor, the peanut sauce is made in individual batches, in front of the customers. However, since the dish has gained popularity (because of the increase of Asian-themed restaurants) Gado-gado sauce is now mostly made ahead of time and cooked in bulk, although this is probably more common in Western restaurants rather than in Indonesia. Compared to Western and Indonesian salads, Gado-gado has much more sauce in it. Instead of being used as a light dressing, the vegetables should be well coated in the sauce.
Many stores now offer Gado-Gado dressing in dried blocks to which you simply add hot water, making it easier and cheaper to cook at home
Gado-gado have various price depend on the store and the material, but the standard price is about $0.75 - $1.2 a portion.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


"Nasi Gandul" is a typical regional food from Pati (Central Java). These foods have the characteristic "sweet", because the sauce plus a little soy sauce and given a piece of meat cooked sweet. Rice Gandul contain lots of fat, perfect for someone who was having a body fattening program. A portion of "Rice Gandul" sold for $ 1.2 (Gandul rice, meat, beverages).
If you want to eat it, just come to Pati (Central Java). There are many"Nasi Gandul" sellers, especially in the area Gajahmati.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Patience comes from the Greek word MACROTHUMIA which is a combination of two words: "MACRO" which means long, and "THUMOS"that means temperament. So patience is pointing to the notion of anger that needs a very long time to raise before the anger was expressed; a controlled anger. Not a few of us who have a short temper, that is easy to lose patience and become angry, offended by the words and less reassure our anger just exploded and uncontrollable. The psalmist warned, "Stop mad and leave the liver it hot, do not be angry, it only leads to evil." (Psalm 37:8). But there are also people who are able to control anger, and can be patient with others.
Patience is the opposite of anger is not in place, the ability to exercise restraint in dealing with difficult situations. Moses, as a leader who is also human, sometimes can not hold his anger against the people of Israel for their disobedience to God. When God told Moses to speak to the rock for the rock out of water, Moses struck the rock instead. Impatience causes Moses was not allowed God to enter the Promised Land. Can be concluded that even a patient man has limits. So we really need the Holy Spirit for us to have patience in all situations, because sooner or later we will arrive at our patience limits.
Once the importance of patience in the lives of believers so that the word of God put it in a certain order. If we already have the love, joy and peace, patience will be present. Lord Jesus Himself has given us a living example, how He remained patient against those who persecuted and crucified Him on the cross, no anger at all. And patience is the nature of God, He is patient with everyone. As His children, we should inherit the properties of our Father. If not, then we are children whom?
Have patience, because "People who wait more than a hero ,..." Proverbs 16:32


Today, there are five types of lumpia semarang with different tastes. First flow of "Gang Lombok" (Siem Swie Kiem), both flow Pemuda Street (deceased Siem Swie Hie), and third flow Mataram street (deceased Siem Hwa Nio). The third stream comes from one family Sing Gwan Siem Nio-Tjoa Po-law and daughter who is a single creator lumpia Semarang, Tjoa Thay Yoe-Wasih.
The fourth stream is the number of former employees of Pemuda Street spring rolls, and the flow of the five were people with backgrounds culinary hobby that makes spring rolls with learning outcomes of the spring roll recipe that has been circulating.
Current oldest generation, ie third generation Siem Swie Kiem (68), remains faithfully serving customers in his father's legacy shop (Siem Gwan Sing) in "Gang Lombok 11". Gang Lombok specialty spring rolls, according to a number of fans who had met in kiosks are odorless rebungnya concoction, mix well egg and shrimp are not fishy.
Lumpia made the fourth generation we can get in the stall lumpia Siem Siok Mrs. Lien Lien (43) on Pemuda Street and Pandanaran Street. Mrs. Lien shop continue his late father, Siem Swie Hie, who is the brother of Siem Swie Kiem, at Pemuda Street (Gang Grajen) as he opened two branches in Pandanaran Street.
Mrs. Lien lumpia this peculiarity is its contents are added to chicken meat concoction. When beginning to continue the business his late father, Mrs. Lien makes three kinds of spring rolls, ie the contents of the shrimp spring rolls, chicken spring rolls contents (for an allergy shrimp), and special spring rolls contain a mixture of shrimp and chicken. But, feeling the rush and especially most buyers prefer the special, now Mbak Lien only make one kind only, that is special to the content of bamboo shoots spring rolls of shrimp and chicken mixed.
The other fourth generation, namely the children of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio (older sister of Siem Swie Kiem) continued her stall in Jalan Mataram (Jalan MT Haryono) in addition to opening new kiosks at several places in the city of Semarang. Among the deceased children Siem Hwa Nio have also opened branches in Jakarta. There are even grandson of the late Siem Hwa as the fifth-generation Nio open spring rolls alone shop in Semarang.
In addition to families ancestral creator lumpia semarang, now many people "outsiders" who make lumpia semarang. They generally their former employees. Those who have also helped to enliven the culinary hobby business to make lumpia lumpia semarang own, like Lumpia Express, Phoa Kiem Hwa from Hyderabad International Family and Garden Restaurant in  Gajah Mada Street, Semarang.

Prices spring rolls are sold by different merchants. Lumpia shop Gang Lombok owned by Swie Siem Kiem, for example, sells for $0.7 per pcs (fry / wet). The shop at Pemuda Street, Mrs. Lien sell it at a price of $0.64 per pcs. While other merchants selling spring rolls with a price of about $0.3 per pcs.

If you want to know the taste of delicious "LUMPIA", visit Semarang on Pandanaran street and Pemuda Street.


The Chinese government expressed a high-speed train line linking Beijing and Shanghai soon be inaugurated in late June 2011. This path is part of China's ambitious project to build a rail along the more than 13,000 km across the country this year.
So that was conveyed Hu Yadong, vice minister of Railways of China, as reported by the Associated Press news agency.
Fastest travel time to a distance of 1318 kilometers will be five hours or half the usual time. While most long travel time will be under eight hours, Hu added in a statement on page Affairs Ministry of Railway Transport.
The test train has been carried out on 11 May. The formal opening, by chance coincided with the celebration of the founding of the Communist Party 90 years on 1 July.
"With pride, we declare that the fast rail project is an independent marker of China!" said Hu. He stated that the train is designed for security and safety.
Operational speed of the train which was originally planned 350 kilometers per hour, eventually shortened from 300 kilometers per hour after its safety was questioned. China will continue to operate 136 trains to connect the two cities, said Hu.
Overall, China aims to build a railway along the 13,000 kilometers by the end of this year, and is expected to be doubled by 2020.
Train ticket prices that connects two major cities in the State of the Great Wall that will range from $63 to  $245, depending on the type of class and speed of the train.
Currently the train ticket prices ranging from $27 for regular seats on the train at the latest, up to $112 to train with beds on the train the fastest.

Friday, June 10, 2011


The worst traffic congestion in China inspire Zhang Yuhan, a student majoring in design, to create a vehicle anti-jam. This car is in certain circumstances can change such as a boat that can cross the lake and river. In fact, these vehicles can get through snow.

Hovercraft car which then uses the Aqua Concept Volkswagen brand is one CDN Car Design Award finalist in China. The event was held former BMW designer Chris Bangle.

Zhang explained that the car without wheels is to use multiple machines. The main engine or a turbine impeller under the vehicle. When the machine is turned on, this turbine will lift the vehicle body. Then the two engines behind the push way forward.

"Aqua offers a future vehicle, because it uses hydrogen fuel that produces no pollutants,"Zhang was quoted as saying Caradvice.com, recently.

The basis of the Aqua is taken from China off-road vehicles which later remade Volkswagen. Aqua interpret Volkswagen design philosophy with a single line without a break. Vehicle door vehicle is not on the side, but in the back.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the past 52 years the submarine's first ballistic berudal United States, the USS George Washington launched. Besides being equipped with ballistic missiles, submarines are also armed with torpedoes and cruise missiles.

According to the History Channel television station, a submarine of this kind is very important for maritime security force anywhere because it is difficult to find and attack effectively, especially to destroy similar nuclear-powered ships.

Only the U.S. Navy, Russia, Britain, France, and China which have nuclear submarines. Other countries still rely on submarine conventional diesel power.

Submarine nuclear power began to be known at the launching of the USS Nautillus in 1944. Abundant resources provided by the uranium-fueled reactors to make nuclear submarines can remain submerged and operate at high speeds with no limits.

The submarine itself was first discovered in the 18th century and 19 by David Bushnell and Robert Fulton, with the man submarine. In 1898, John P. Holland launched the Holland, which has a gasoline engine to move on the surface and battery-powered electric motor to explore in the water. The ship was finally purchased the U.S. government in 1900.

Ships findings of Simon Lake (1866-1945) was first adopted in Europe and eventually by the U.S.. On the night before the World War I, all naval ships equipped with diesel-powered submarines.

During World War II, submarines innovation progress. The inventors snorkel introduce fresh air supply for the diesel engine so it does not bother to come to the surface.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Alois Mabhunu, a police officer in Zimbabwe, was detained in special prisons just because police dying pee. The reason, he do it in the toilet reserved for Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe.

Reported by CNN page, Monday, June 6, 2011, police in the murder investigation is now awaiting sentencing judge, the case of violations of the toilet.

The incident occurred when Mabhunu incorporated in the presidential security forces in last month's Festival of International Trade. Call of nature forced him to immediately find a toilet. What happened to presume the nearest restroom when it's just a VIP toilet for Mugabe and Jean Louis Ekra, President Director of Export Import Bank.

Mabhunu had stopped his contemporaries. However, the condition of his stomach was in the balance. No longer able to think clearly, Mabhunu push through and complete digestion.

A few days later, he was arrested on charges of indiscipline.

Besides detained for 10 days, Mabhunu also demoted and not allowed to wear civilian clothes during duty. His family is now trying to lobby the Commissioner General of Police, Augustine Chihuri, to liberate Mabhunu.

Reached for comment, Zimbabwean police spokesman, Wayne Bvudzijena, says this is a purely internal matter of the police and discipline problems. Bvudzijena said Mabhunu had violated orders and because shitting affairs that he should be severely punished.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Someone who has been convicted of diabetes illness usually will not live long. However, a grandfather in the United States (U.S.) dispelled that notion. Seniors named Bob Krause has 85 years suffering from diabetes, but until now she still looks healthy for his age.
According to news agency Associated Press (AP), Krause family birthday 90th last week. A leading diabetes research center to give a gift to Kraus, that is the first American to be able to live with diabetes for 85 years.
In a celebration, Sunday, May 29, 2011, Krause received a medal from the Joslin Diabetes Center on the accomplishments that. "Bob managed to live longer than the average healthy person who was born in 1921," said Dr. Patricia Wu.
According to Wu, a strong personality Krause became the basis for his longevity. "He knows how to deal with physical obstacles and make it as part of his life. He did not let his mental maturity," said Wu, as quoted by AP.
Residents of San Diego was convicted of diabetes at the age of five years. However, until now, he is able to survive with a malignant disease that. "I am a stubborn person. I refuse to give up," said Krause.
According to him, the recipe a long life with diabetes is that he had been treating his body like a car. Just like a car that only has a limited fuel tank, Kraus was eating in moderation, no need to overdo it.
"By maintaining control of diabetes, we only consume food that is needed before the move," said Krause. "I eat only to survive, rather than always eating, or eating for pleasure," he continued.
Every time a breakfast, Krause eating nuts and plums. He usually skipping lunch and eating salads and lean meat as a dinner menu.
Krause recipe was very simple, yet proven effective for diabetics. Currently, 18.8 million Americans affected by diabetes and seven million more expected unknowingly living with the disease.
Krause suffered diabetes is type 1, which was referred to as juvenile diabetes. A common diabetes is type 2.
About three million Americans living with type 1 diabetes. At that stage, the agency does not have enough people with insulin, needed to process blood sugar into energy.
The cause of the disease is still unclear, because it depends on genetics and immunity level of the patient's body. Usually, people with diabetes are not able to live long, because they are exposed to great risk of serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney damage, and amputation of organs. Many patients also have to struggle regulate blood pressure.


Google once again could not circumvent the Chinese hacking attacks. After the tragedy of late 2009, when the hackers from the country of origin stubborn Baidu had managed to break into Google's system and steal the codes is important, now the service provider of electronic mail (e-mail) Gmail became targets.
Target break-no kidding. Page Wall Street Journal (WSJ) today reported that the email accounts of senior officials from the U.S. and hundreds of other important figures in jeopardy.
The victims, including state and military officials, bureaucrats Asia, Chinese activists and journalists, teperdaya give their Gmail account password to cyber criminals based in mainland China, according to Google's statement as written in the WSJ. The aim is to spread e-mail attack victim to certain addresses.
Suspicion is directed to the hackers who dwells in Jinan, capital of Shandong Province, eastern China.
In Washington, the United States, agency investigators FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the U.S. State Department was shoulder to shoulder investigate this case. "We do not believe there is an official email account owned by U.S. government officials who breached," said Caitlin Hayden of the U.S. National Security Council to the WSJ.
Jinan, which is located about 400 kilometers south of Beijing, is the headquarters of the bureaus of technical surveillance of the People's Liberation Army, one of the largest armies in the world.
Previously, Mila Parker, a security researcher in Washington, Google would have warned the threat of attack. Mila managed to save examples of emails that he was identified through routine observation and he called the attack "man-in-the-mailbox."
The method used by the sender: email accounts of victims and their contacts in it seized and used to convince other potential victims.
According to him, as revealed in the pages of New York Times, was "not new or cutting-edge ways," but "spreading invasive."
He then handed me a fake document entitled "Draft US-China Joint Statement" (draft Cooperation Agreement US-China) that is spread through e-mail account in the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency and Gmail.
When the user tries to download the document, they will be herded into a fake Gmail homepage that will steal your password.
That incident will certainly further increase the pressure on cyberwar issues. The U.S. government this week will decide that cyber attacks are classified as "war".
Meanwhile, British Defence Secretary, Nick Harvey said, as quoted from the pages of The Guardian, "any activity in cyberspace will slowly form a kind of battlefield of the future."