Sunday, July 24, 2011


The word temperament may sound familiar. Is a combination of innate temperament / disposition / temperament we inherited from parents. Of course not only temperament that affect our behavior. Life at home in the early days, training, education and the environment also has a powerful influence over our actions throughout life. But nevertheless temperament has a strong influence on a person's life, not just because it's the first result to us, but as the body structure, eye color and other physical characteristic temperament also continue to accompany us in taking this life.

The Sanguine

Type Sanguine is the most open among all types of temperament. Even this type can be called a super open. Sanguin person is a person who likes to talk easily adjust to a warm friendly and full of humor and responsive. Type Sanguin not stand to see strangers in front of them without responding to him. Sanguin person is a person who likes to hang out and spontaneous. They rarely worried about the future and the past, they enjoy more excitement from the days of its path than the other types. Sanguine usually is not serious thinkers, they interpreted the events there quickly. Sometimes they get in trouble because of that choice is rarely anticipating or their actions. Feeling they have a very dominant role in everything, so they tend to make decisions that are emotional. Learning from experience, decisions that are emotionally almost always a bad decisions.

The Choleric

Choleric is also open type, but typically the level of openness is lower than the super-type Sanguine open. Choleric is also an active person, the spirit of hardworking, ambitious, a motivator for others. Because of its strong-willed independent and educated hard, people tend to be stubborn choleric. Compromise is very difficult for them unless a compromise is beneficial to the goals they have. They have a purpose for everything from physical health to the child's behavior. Those are the type who likes to take over, the bossy others around them, no matter whether it liked it or not. Choleric never to try not to control a situation and their life is full of contradictions. Part of the nature of those who have not developed is their emotions. Get approval from them is almost impossible. Achieving their goal is for an ambitions, and some people get their reputation by Choleric uses others
The Melancholic

The most talented of all types is melancholic, even if they type the most recent value their own talents. Melancholic has a closed nature. They often have a high level of intelligence and aesthetic depth so that they better appreciate the art as compared with the other temperaments. Melancholic tend to be moody and easily broken. People are born as a man pefeksionis melancholic, often underestimate themselves not to do better despite the fact that their productivity is more than most other temperament. They are people willing to sacrifice yourself, seriously, and fear of failure. They have a meticulous nature, living with a challenge or a vision to invest their lives, but rarely can produce its own. Therefore, many people find joy in melancholic dedicate their lives to the Lord Jesus and do His work. Temperament in the book that changed, it is shown that God is using more and more people in the Bible than the melancholic temperament temperament-other. They work best when they offered themselves to a useful purpose greater than themselves. Christianity and its view to give them eternal life challenges.

The Phlegmatic

Plegmatik is a private person who is very quiet, not demanding calm and slow. They never became agitated embarrass themselves by apologizing for everything they say. They rarely coming up with ideas or feelings if they are not sure they will not injure or hurt others. People plegmatik is a very good person with a happy and pleasant nature. Many of them are very funny because they have the power of humor. They are born with talent diplomat and peacemaker, they are loved by children. People Plegmatik a friend who is fun and not scary, two of their main weakness is fear and selfish, even though they show this attitude with a very diplomatic so that even a few good friends they do not know them.

No one else has the temperament of vital force or the most prominent are the most valuable contribution to this life. Precisely with the diversity that God created the power of temperament this is the world works so beautifully.

Someone with a joke shows a series of events involving the four temperament Koleris agile and hardworking generate discoveries in the probe by the Melancholy of genius and then sold by the Sanguin interesting and enjoyed by the Plegmatik a slut.

Strengths of each temperament make each into a draw and we are thankful that we all have some of this power. But there's more interesting things. To achieve our goals, as important as the strength of temperament is even more important is to see the weakness of temperament. Thus we will be able to compare the strengths and weaknesses of a temperament. The aim is that we can diagnose our own weaknesses and develop a program that is planned to these weaknesses. Along with these strengths there are weaknesses realistically then please allow God to do something to fix it.