Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Leadership is built on the strength of a productive habits of thought with which dilandasai by moral strength means he has "integrity" to behave and act, so he was able to give example to influence others to make changes related to thought processes. Therefore someone who has leadership that is able to apply for meaning and integrity means that he believes is true that if only the strong can survive and desires hinder the progress of people, become the sycophant, two-faced, would not be able to keep up with changes?

With that in mind the above, then the "Integrity" key leadership "how he made the right decision at the right time" in attitude and behavior because therein lies the foundation in building trust  and relationships between individuals within the organization. Where we pay attention to legalities and procedures that must be taken, but more importantly "Integrity" which one can lead an honest and the dishonest are not easy to confuse things that are formal but can be misleading.

So leader who have "integrity", so he was well aware that the law of the jungle is never clear, it does not mean he will use the pretext of power to play in the arena, because he will refuse to engage in unfair competition, although it is a task to tackle. Therefore he is in the attitude and behavior will not escape from making a fair and objective decision. So with integrity that means he has an intuitive management to integrate left and right brain management skills with the heart as the new century.

Who consistently demonstrate exemplary leadership in influencing others is to give impetus to motivate himself in building integrity, which indirectly encourage other people to understand in depth the principles of integrity to cultivate what we call the first principle is to cultivate the trust and confidence in changing sensory awareness to a
better level; second principle is to give mutual respect and respect for others; third principle is to have the ability to mature spiritually, socially, emotionally and intellectually.

To uphold the integrity of the above principles, then each individual must be able to understand the meaning and integrity that can be applied in life. The way to encourage people to drive the power of the mind by understanding the elements of letters into meaningful words as an approach to motivate ourselves in building trust and confidence as a starting point so that he could do something for the betterment of himself, for what he is tying themselves into an organization.

With that understanding is expected to be the impetus to act and behave that "leadership can achieve the success you and your followers to keep the" integrity "in efforts to build strong organizational culture as the best tool to carry out the transformation in attitude and behavior change to bind ourselves together and awaken the soul satisfaction in ourselves. So the integrity of a guide referee  and aka that we will be consistent so that our confidence is reflected by our actions, which would indicate that there will be no difference between what is visible and what is known about ourselves to our environment, whether it be in when in power or no power.

So integrity is not only a guide and referee between two desires which we call the "happy people and a divided soul" By understanding the integrity of a meaningful word that corner we have argued above, it frees us to become self intact no matter what is going kita.sehingga come to our maturity level will show "that what I say and what the SAA do the same, the results were consistent in attitude and behavior.

What can I do today? Do I pride of my integrity in leadership? If not, your consciousness is there to try to find out? Try to think back to your leadership to see what happens around you are associated with understanding the meaning and integrity into an organization that would show anything is so important, so that integrity will also describe the image others perceive you in the individual organization.

So cultivate integrity is so important in an organization because it can be a guide and referee for fostering trust and confidence, straighten out the importance of formulating a high standard, which greatly affects the value basis, encouraging the formation of reputation and image, to better appreciate their own push before it affects others, encouraging people to achieve according to his own ability, encourage others to better trust the leadership that is able to provide exemplary.

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