Saturday, February 5, 2011

Love is Blue

Do we know about love??
if we said "yes, I know.", I will ask you: "How deep your knowledge about it?"
Sometimes, many people said, "Love is sacrifice, Love is faithfulness, Love is beautiful, Love is possessively, and soon.."
but many people also said, "Love is painful, Love is tearful, Love is lie, and soon"
so, what do you say about love?
let's discuss about "the color of love"
first, I want to say that Love Is Blue. I describe love in blue because blue is unique.
I will convert everything about love in many color. see it..!!!

Blue = Love
Red = Anger
Yellow = Cheer
Purple = Alone
Green = Life

mix the blue with the red! what color will be?
It will be Purple. Purple means Alone or Lonely. Do you know about widow? Widow is man or woman who have been leaved his/her couple. What do you feel when you are a widow? the answer is "Lonely". So Blue + Red = Purple.
We can describe red as an anger or bad attitudes. If you give bad behavior to the "love", it will become Purple.

mix the blue with the yellow! what color will be?
It will be Green. Green means Life. Imagine about fresh green field with wind blowing. You will feel peace and fresh. So Blue + Yellow = Green.
We can describe yellow as a pleasing attitude. Smile, Laugh, happy, and everything that make us fell happy. If you give some cheer to the love, it will be green.

The experiment above tell us how important love is.  So, give some yellow to the Love!

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
--John 15:13--

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