Sunday, February 13, 2011


A friend like a brother of the days of hard and become a true helper does not know borders. Sometimes looking for a true friend, like looking for needle in a haystack. But once we get it, he/she will accompany our lifetime. Being a friend is not easy. We must have loyalty, willing to let our ears open to hear any complaints.
A friend gave positive motivation in our lives. Strengthen us when we are weak, Give us the spirit when we are tired, and reminds us when we off guard. Is surely the meaning of a beautiful friendship. Not only became friends when his love, but also became a brother when his grief.
Love the best friend ...!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Often we are gripped by the old paradigm that buying a car should be a new one, if not later be subject to the problem. Maybe the car is already dilapidated dalemannya, spare part is a rare, complicated tax returns, etc.. But if we have limited funds to buy a car, we would think to buy second hand car later. buy a new car does not have to. just imagine if you have money 200 million, if you bought a new car at the most only get the All New Jazz. my dear, if the money as much as it can only be one car only. Just imagine if the money that 150 million to invest into the ground or the other, then 50 million to buy a car that appropriate capacity. Later after the car and the ground bored, on sale can get toyota Fortuner or even Alphard. It is interesting, isn't it??
Therefore, we will share a few tips before buying a used car, so you are more comfortable and secure in purchasing.
1. See your financial condition first before buying a car. suppose you have a fund of 50 million. means at least you should menyisakannya 15% -20% of it to balii name, tax, service offering (to fix a car that is still stuck). Thus, you have to buy a car at a price of about 40-45 million only. do not be desperate to buy the car if your budget mepet / limited. afraid you'll be disappointed and you eventually sell it back. of course if you sell it back in a short time, you will lose.
2. looking for a used car that fits your needs, for example: based on the number of family members, your ability to pay taxes every year, the usefulness of the car (used daily or used when traveling with family), etc..
3. Wherever possible you googling wrote about ordinary people comment about the car you want to search. usually they will share their experiences in the special forum in internet.. At the forum also discussed how spareparts, maintenance, advantages and disadvantages.
4. when you sure with the type of car you want to buy, start by comparing the prices according to type and year of manufacture. do not be fooled by cheap prices. Try you understand well about the state of the market price of the car.
5. car price is usually determined by: a. year of manufacture these cars (the younger the more expensive - except for antique cars). b. the relevant tax year (the longer the more expensive). c. location of the car was (more towards the urban areas, the price is getting cheaper. eg in jakarta. this is happening because allegedly, the car is already tired, and muscles were not strong anymore've also created on the street invite ... hehe), coastal areas also cause corrosion threatened car. d. age is not determined from the age of the car literally. remember, in elementary school we used to diajarakan of engine capacity (in the social studies lesson if not wrong). car manufacturers already have a target time of regeneration. target time can be viewed from Odo meter. Make no mistake, Odo meter actually can not be reset / re-set, because in the odometer are there components that are vulnerable to damage if the unloading, so car owners can not be apart, except when he had his own workshop SPECIALISTS speedometer, hehehe ... (But if it fits speedometernya buy directly off the cable, yes it is another matter ..) e. physical condition of the car. you can begin to see the condition of the car from the door. if the door is problematic, the possibility of a car is also problematic in the field PERKEROPOSAN. but does not require the possibility that you also have to check chassis,  Car's paint (never painted again or not, to find out, compare the paint that is on the outer wall, with paint on the inside, especially under the dashboard, the same or not, the floor (enough viewed from below, you don not need to open the carpet, because the owner can be angry), the condition of suspension should also be considered because if the suspension is damaged, you will also spend more money to fix it. The lights and instrument panel should also examined. Do not underestimate the component that does not work, eg power windows broken, if damage occurs to the bike or the track, at least 300 000 flight. so check carefully. the condition of the tires should also be examined. you can check it out from the wheel wear rate, if the wheel wear next, be careful, means the car is never drunk (oblique way - means the steering not ever balance). toolkit also check the car, at least the jack and lock the wheels, so that when broken down in the street, do not bother. after checking the condition of the car body, we now begin enjoying the machine. Have the car owner who started her car. while you observe the car exhaust. If the exhaust spreads some  water, means the cooling system is good. and then felt the smoke, whether or not poignant, means that combustion is incomplete. ask the owner's to jolt the gas in 3000 RPM, when the smoke out, is really, there is a problem in the engine. then you try to listen to the engine in stationary state. stable or a faltering, if it is faltering ask the owner to hold gas at 600-800 RPM if still faltering too, it means the system is not normal carburizing, maybe not yet in service. the cost of servicing the carburetor range 75-125 thousand. Perform Gas sudden tug and then listen to the engine sound, the sound is there "click"?? if there is the possibility of piston and instrumentalities old already / not yet in tune up (tune ups cost around 100-150 thousand). thermometernya Also check, whether cooling system is stable or not. after trying the machines, now the transmission. try all the existing gear (engine running). Feel any displacement, whether there are obstacles or not . if there is a possibility of transmission oil is already expired. by the way Oli problem, check also when the car owner to replace the oil, if the current oil change tu arrives, you can be conceded 150-200 thousand. Now do a test drive. select a location to test drive all terrain, terrain smooth and straight, to try akslerasi, transmission and brakes. location wavy to try suspension. then on the ground to try steeringnya. (If the car owner does not allow you to do all that, mean CARS ARE NON-PERFORMING - SAY GOODBAY)
6. Also check the car documents. Minimal vehicle registration and the letter.if it is still the original purchase receipts and purchase invoices. match with the engine number and chassis number.
7. After that, start your bidding price. bargaining as the market price minus the cost of services required. remember do not use offensive language in his car to show weakness.
8. Ask the owner, how long he had it. if less than 1 year, it's better you do not try neutralize. the possibility of car trouble. (The owner did not care much less you wrote later)
9. If you really liked the car, but the owner still offers a high price, now the question turns on you, "WHAT IS YOUR FINANCIAL ABILITY??". do not ever impose your wishes if the budget is limited (remember chapter 1 above). Give the ultimate Jutsu with your last bid, if the owner does intend to sell it, he must give it. But if not, immediately leave and find another car.

Good luck  in buying a Used car .... :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


We can interpret it as a commitment: that is a commitment to implement what is our responsibility. If we have a responsibility to learn, of course, we will study diligently every day. Thus, we included the faithful to learn. In other cases, I take the example of a postman. Postman has a responsibility to deliver the letters to the respective addresses. During those mailman run his responsibility  properly, the postman could also be said of the faithful in his work.  infidelity would end on a treason.
How do we maintain a commitment to create a loyalty?
Sometimes a lot of temptations that make us become unfaithful. 
1.    Discontents that have a negative impact.
Dissatisfaction that negatively affect the taste was not satisfied about something, and then acted with negative actions. for example, we are not satisfied with the results of the test. then we are cheating to get good results. this can become obstacles our faithfulness.
2.    Envy.
Jealous because we cannot accept the excess of others. see others more successful, more intelligent, more respected than us, sometimes make us jealous of him. It also can make us disloyal.
3.    Selfish
It is an act of selfish self-centeredness. Themselves have the highest priority in a life. Consequently, people no longer be responsive to their responsibilities. this is also a barrier to a loyalty.

Facing some of the obstacles that seemed all that is within us, we will make an extra effort to try to be faithful. There are a few tips that easy to do so we can be faithful.
1.    Change your perspective about a dissatisfaction.
Dissatisfaction is not based on what you have, but based it on what you want to achieve. Such as a student, you want your test scores either. you can learn diligently to get a good value. rather than negative action.
2.    Accept yourself.
Accept your situation is and try to think realistically. Do not ever think of things that are too high because it will drain your energy. Think of the things that match your capacity. Try to focus on in your field today. Thus, you will not lose direction and purpose of your life.
3.    Trying to accept all the strengths and weaknesses of others.
This seems difficult to do. but actually everyone could do it because there is love in the hearts of every person. Give your love for others as you love yourself. If you can accept other people whatever the circumstances, you will remain faithful and unwavering in loyalty through commitment.
Be faithful wherever you are, whatever you do, and whenever you do it. based on a loyalty in love. With love, no more betrayal.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Love is Blue

Do we know about love??
if we said "yes, I know.", I will ask you: "How deep your knowledge about it?"
Sometimes, many people said, "Love is sacrifice, Love is faithfulness, Love is beautiful, Love is possessively, and soon.."
but many people also said, "Love is painful, Love is tearful, Love is lie, and soon"
so, what do you say about love?
let's discuss about "the color of love"
first, I want to say that Love Is Blue. I describe love in blue because blue is unique.
I will convert everything about love in many color. see it..!!!

Blue = Love
Red = Anger
Yellow = Cheer
Purple = Alone
Green = Life

mix the blue with the red! what color will be?
It will be Purple. Purple means Alone or Lonely. Do you know about widow? Widow is man or woman who have been leaved his/her couple. What do you feel when you are a widow? the answer is "Lonely". So Blue + Red = Purple.
We can describe red as an anger or bad attitudes. If you give bad behavior to the "love", it will become Purple.

mix the blue with the yellow! what color will be?
It will be Green. Green means Life. Imagine about fresh green field with wind blowing. You will feel peace and fresh. So Blue + Yellow = Green.
We can describe yellow as a pleasing attitude. Smile, Laugh, happy, and everything that make us fell happy. If you give some cheer to the love, it will be green.

The experiment above tell us how important love is.  So, give some yellow to the Love!

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
--John 15:13--